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Businesses today have one clear mission: Earn, and Maintain Customer Trust, at Scale.

This requires:

  • Technical Security, designed, monitored, and managed

  • Product Security, ensuring security is designed with purpose and baked-in

  • Application Security, ensuring common coding weaknesses are avoided, and quality code is produced

  • Continuous Security Operations

  • A robust, measurable, and evolving security program

  • Compliance with global, local, and industry regulations and standards

  • A program of security communication to internal and customer stakeholders

TrustCISO is a CISO advisory service with a focus on all of these disciplines and the North Star of Customer Trust. What it means, how to earn it, and how to keep it.

Whether you need a security function built from scratch, including Security Operations, Engineering, Architecture, Application Security, Governance, Risk and Compliance, or independent, design authority and assurance, our decades of experience has you covered.

Trust is not built by accident. It is earned in drops and can be lost in buckets. It can be measured, engineered, banked, and spent. If you are not yet actively establishing, building, maintaining, and restoring customer trust, then the time is now.

TrustCISO can help.

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Our Services

Our Advisory Services

Our services will help you secure your organisation, and effectively manage trust. These are just some of the services we offer

Startup Advisory

Bad architecture or GTM strategy will hold you back. Good architecture and market insights are the difference between hyper-scale, and mediocrity.

TrustCISO will provide input into your company's direction and strategy.

CISO Advisory

Incoming Security Leaders an CISOs need to get in, get up to speed rapidly, inherit a mixed bag of technology, and be accountable for it.

Independent advice from experienced minds, who can adapt as quick as you, can support you on your journey.

Vendor Risk and Control Assessment

Security is only as strong as the weakest link. Are you confident that all of your suppliers are strong links? 

TrustCISO can assess your suppliers, highlight risks, and propose remediations.

Cyber Strategy Assessment

Your strategy is the difference between a reactive organisation relying on heroics, and a stable functional business with clear value, and a forward plan.

TrustCISO can evaluate your cyber strategy, identify gaps, and help evolve it into the best version of itself.

Technical Review

Certainty is hard to come by in security, but having independent experts review technical designs for applications and infrastructure can make all the difference.

TrustCISO can evaluate technical designs and proposed solutions, identify risks, gaps, remediations, and improvements.

Expert Opinion

Things change fast in security and the board needs to know risks and impacts, and sometimes they cannot wait for an expert opinion.

TrustCISO can help you devise and articulate an expert opinion on any security topic, including Political, Economic, Social, and Technology trends on the security impacting your org.

Security Behaviour & Awareness

Building a trust-minded culture, and training reflexive behaviours is more than just throwing training at people and hoping it sticks.

TrustCISO can help devise a program that instils personal responsibility in your workforce, and then equips and enables them to be part of your human firewall.

Security Comms

When, what, and how to communicate security events and issues can be a minefield. Too much detail instils fear, too little inspires distrust.

TrustCISO will help you navigate this minefield and strike a balance between brand protection, reasonable transparency, and earning and maintaining customer trust.

Board Reporting

Executive buy-in is critical to your security.

You need to have the right measures, metrics, and KPIs, and any business case should be framed within the context of those KPIs and KRIs.

What to communicate to the board, and how to frame it, is something that the modern CISO has to get right first time, every time.

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