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Security Comms

Security isn't always a good news story, but transparency is a critical enabler for trust.


When, what, and how to communicate security events and issues can be a minefield. How do you communicate effectively and turn a trust challenge into an opportunity? It all comes down to the messaging. Customers are more likely to forgive a deficit in competence than they are in integrity or benevolence. 


Brands regularly damage themselves more with poor communication after an untoward security event, than they receive from the event itself.


It is critical that you communicate purely in facts, at the right level of detail and completeness to convey the impact of any event, and dispel any hint of a lack of transparency amongst peers, professionals, and customers. All the while staying on the right side of your legal team, conveying empathy for effected customers, and not equivocating on your accountability and desire to do better.


TrustCISO will help you navigate this minefield and strike a balance between brand protection, reasonable transparency, and maintaining customer trust.

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